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Old 02-27-2005, 02:17 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Location: io-where?
If somebody says "tots" in the cafeteria one more time I swear to god I am going to punch them in the face.

Fuck you Napoleon Dynamite! Most worthless hour and a half of my life, although it was probably less because I FAST FORWARDED through everything I had already heard a thousand million dillion times before. Yeah it has some memorable one liners, but take those out and you've got the stupidest movie ever made....EVER!!!

I also hated The Village. My roomate, who is practically one of M. Night Shymalan's (no clue how to spell that) personal concubines, called me an idiot for not "understanding" this movie. Of course I understood it, I understood it within the first 10 minutes! At which point I should have left but kept repeating to myself, "This has got to get better, this has got to get better. Think of Unbreakable...and Signs..."

I guess I also don't understand some people's view that if you don't like a movie you obviously missed the point and am some kind of uncultured dumbass.
the·o·ry - a working hypothesis that is considered probable based on experimental evidence or factual or conceptual analysis and is accepted as a basis for experimentation.
faith - Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
- Merriam-Webster's dictionary
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