Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Im overweight, I dont give a shit what anybody thinks......never have. I feel no need to explain to those kinds of people that mine is a hormone problem, its really no bodies business but mine and my doctors what the problem is, but I do agree that I have read a many posts like what alicat mentioned.
I chalk it up to intolerance and ignore it because I have no desire to associate with that kind of stuff. I myself dont really care for skinny guys...but if I meet one I dont discount him because of that, and I dont say....ooohh you look unhealthy to me go eat a sandwhich or two....I only discount people for their personalities
You really have the right attitude and are an example for all. The thing I remember most about seeing your pictures here on the TFP are nothing at all weight related. I remember thinking what an awesome personality you had and how that was very apparent in even photographs!!
I think everyone here is generally pretty understanding of other people's situations. Whenever I catch someone saying something really inappropriate on whatever level, they are dealt with.
I think that anyone who feels that they are being singled out, by weight, or looks, or race, or whatever needs to let us know what is going on. Sometimes if it is not an issue that we (MODS) are personally involved in, we might overlook it.
The bottom line is no one should feel uncomfortable here.