Having been management for Wally World at one point in my life, I can tell you that it's just a business practice. They do it to make things look cheaper than they really are. In the case where their price may be the same as a competitor, most other stores have prices that end in 9 so by ending in 7 or 8 they come out looking "cheaper".
The rule when I worked there was that nothing could end in 9, if something came in priced at $1.99 for instance, then you had to change the price to $1.98 or $1.97. Anything that ended in a zero had to be priced for multiple purchase. For instance, an item costing $1.50 had to be placed on display as "2 for $3" or a $1.00 item would go up as "5 for $5". It's all mental games trying to convince people to buy more.
The real trick with the "Rollback" prices, is that if you watch closely most of the time you'll notice that the price in question had been raised a couple of weeks prior, just so they could reduce it again later and call it a "Rollback". Yeah, Wally World's business practices are deplorable, that's most of the reason I don't work there anymore.
Faith: not wanting to know what is true.
~Friedrich Nietzsche