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Old 02-27-2005, 12:58 PM   #31 (permalink)
Originally Posted by abaya
UPTOWN -- you completely ignored my post and its questions.

I can't take anything you say seriously unless you give us some insight into WHERE you got these ideas from, as in: are you currently in a shitty relationship where some guy treats you like a dog, or have you experienced that in the past, or did you see your parents treat each other that way? etc etc. I need some serious context for your comments, because otherwise I have no clue where you are coming from.

I also would like to know if you think that any woman having sex after menopause is a lower-class slut, because as it stands, that's exactly how your tone sounds.
I have NEVER said that any woman who engages in sex after menopause is a lower class slut, what I have said is that for ME to do so is shameful and makes me like one of those disgusting creatures on a mature woman porn site, I have no desire to be viewed as a "deparate, cock hungry granny" nor do I desire to be whispered and laughed about as one of those foolish old women who refuse to accept and act their age and come on,every neighborhood/social circle has one of those women that everybody gossips about.

Last edited by uptown; 02-27-2005 at 01:01 PM..
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