Originally Posted by chickentribs
My peeve is that the artists and labels don't want to give anything to the fans to even promote the music. Release a single for free download to get your fans excited! They will respond... I have bought a ton of music legit off of bands I discovered playing around and downloading a track off of them. How is it any different than putting it on the radio? We are not the enemy, suing your customers is horrible...
I'm in the same boat chicken. If I download an excellent album that I think is worthy of paying 15+ dollars for, I'll order it from Amazon or Best Buy or even right from the label. And there are tons of bands I never would have even heard of had I not downloaded it myself or gotten it from friends who have downloaded it. P2P is perfect for small labels and underground bands who want world wide exposure without the cost. If major labels could recognize the potential file sharing has for promoting new albums and new artists, they would have a completely different view of technology.
But you've got to put yourself in the artists position. If you knew you're latest album that you have worked hard on for the last year was leaked by some punk studio intern, where is the incentive to create new music? The artists livelyhood comes from his album sales and if he knows his efforts won't generate the funds he needs, there's no motive for creating music. That said, most pop artists today don't even write their own songs and in my opinion don't deserve my money.