it's not a good idea to dice your potatoes before soaking them for prep - leave them whole, but covered in water. If any parts are peeking out, they'll get oxidized. If they're already cut, then they'll get water logged and leak profusely while cooking, or worse - while you're trying to build your presentation.
When it comes to mashed, I make my potatoes as rich as possible - add a little stock of your choice as the potatoes boil, then go all out with the creme and butter. build a mound of mash, place your meat on top, a little asparagus or zuchinni on the side. squeeze some reduced sauces/gravy around the plate and garnish with some herbs.
If it wasn't for microsoft, if we lived in the middle east? Y'all wouldn't have no hands....
Last edited by ironchefkorea; 02-26-2005 at 05:29 PM..