Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
chickentribs: I'm not seeing why one would be hard-pressed to reconcile the two if based on religious beliefs. Why would the argument you mention "not hold water in a serious debate"?
As I mentioned above the moral laws of Christianity don't allow for mortal sins to be selectively applied based how deserved the receipent may be. I am the first to surrender my knowledge of King James and New Testament to be shaky at best - but I believe that if you kill an unborn child, you sin. If you kill a convicted criminal, you sin. If you kill a muslim soldier on the other side of the world, even in the name of the USA, you sin. God, right or wrong, does not allow you room to negotiate with His intent. So I guess I don't see how you would kill at all and feel you were being true to your faith.
My moral laws are decided on by me. I know this gives me a lot more wiggle room, but I didn't make your rules. All of this points to the obvious. Our president is responsible for the murder of at least 120 in Texas, and uncounted thousands in the Middle East. He has saved a few dead fetuses from having stem cells removed, in fairness. I don't get how that leaves him Christian in practice.