Originally Posted by ScottKuma
In the town in which I grew up -- by the way, also in Michigan -- the sirens were used to call out the volunteer firemen. I think this is pretty common practice.
That's the way it is here. We live 3 blocks from one of two firestations in town here. It's sirens go off probably once a week.
Our alerts on radio and television seem like twice a month to me - might be wrong. But we get them for severe thunderstorms and tornados around here too so I usually wait a sec to see if it's a test or real. Usually though you have some forwarning if it's real so you're actually watching for it. I wonder if people would have just jumped on the freeway without checking had there been any other things going wrong or sirens going off.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.