Originally Posted by mojodragon
Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, starring
- Me as Rand
- Edward Norton as Mat
- ? as Perrin
- ? as Egwene
- Kirsten Dunst as Elayne
- ? as Nynaeve
- Sean Connery as Thom
- ? as Moraine
- The Rock as Lan
Can anyone help me fill in the blanks for the Wheel of Time chars?
I would love to see the Wheel of Time series made into a movie or a mini-series at the very least, but since the books are so long and the scope so large, it would probably pale in comparison to the books themselves.
Even so, I would love to see a mini-series adaptation of them....maybe from the folks at the Sci-Fi channel.
I wouldn't want known actors to play the part as I would much prefer an unknown cast with maybe a 'star' or two thrown in for bit parts.
I would also like to see a couple of the "Incarnations of Immortality" books made into little mini-movies just to see what they would be like.