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Old 02-26-2005, 12:56 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Location: on the back, bitch
Originally Posted by uptown
I'm sorry but I think it takes more than an "emotional connection" to produce a working erection,it takes some physical attraction and sorry ladies but the best kept 50 yr old doesn't hold a candle to an even average 25 yr old in terms of physical attractiveness.
What I lack in body hardness I make up for it GETTING his hard and getting it on. The 25 year olds they wanna just fuck and send home-the real men stick around for a bit and want more than an airhead attached to a pussy.
A man might indeed love his aging wife and have a lot of affection for her but that affection is similar in type to the way he regards a loyal old dog that's been with him for years.
This doesn't merit a response.

I also find it telling that you attack me for having "hang up's" but you fail to address any of the very real points I've brought up.
Working on that now.

Another thing,if middle aged woman are so sexy, then why is it that divorced men remarry in far greater numbers than middle aged women and that those men usually remarry younger women ?
Because they are insecure and can't take care of themselves. Because only a know-nothing young bimbo would take him, for the most part-so she can be 'taken care of'. And because women, unlike men, get smarter as we age. To quote Gloria Steinem- A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

Why do so many middle aged men need to take drugs in order to get erections for their middle aged wives ?
I know middle aged men who take that stuff to fuck YOUNG girls and keep up with them-this comment of yours has NO merit at all. Hugh Hefner ring a bell?

Cause maybe there needs to be some sort of physical attraction for sex to even begin to happen ?
If you think that physical attraction ends at 30, I have some swamps in Florida to sell you. I have been hit on by merely writing, sight unseen, by men much younger than myself. If you feel the only thing worth building on is your physical being, I am sorry for you. I am not denying that visually, there has to be something for two people-but then again, how to explain a truly unattractive person with an attractive one-but, there are those that just wanna fuck and those that want to love. With age comes wisdom, if one is lucky at all and those that have lived both ways will generally tell you, it's love that wins the race.

Last edited by ngdawg; 02-26-2005 at 01:31 PM..
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