I will be the first to admit that I do not understand macroeconomics and how these currencies are valued. However as I understand it the European Central Bank originally launched the euro Jan. 1, 1999 and placed the value at about 1.20 dollars to the euro. Over a few years it dropped to as low as .82 and today the value is at about 1.34. Going from 1.20 to 1.34 does not seem like that much of a dollar collapse to me.
Was the dollar value too high when it was at .82 and too low at today's 1.34? I don't know, was it supposed to stay at the euro's launch price of 1.20 dollars to the euro instead of today's 1.34?
I don't understand why the dollar compared to the euro going from 1.20 dollars to 1.34 in 6 years is such a big deal.