Originally Posted by pan6467
WW2 Canada sent troops into the Pacific even though they were not attacked in anyway.
During the Cold War, Canada allowed us to freely put Nukes in their country, thus making them a target to the Soviets.
The Canadian Navy is 3rd in muscle next to the US and Britain.
Seems to me when ever we have needed Canada they have been there to watch our backs, and while we have tried to influence, bully, threaten and so on Canada to do what we wish them to, they have NOT ONCE as a country done anything to interfere with our country.
If we develop a true working system, I believe Canada, again, would be right there with us. However, why should they spend money, allow us to destroy their prairies and wildlands for our pipedream, and become a target to our enemies, once more, when we show them very little respect.
Canadian troops were in the Pacific because that was the plan... Europe first, Japan second. And in case you missed it, during WWII, BRITISH colonies/Dominions were in jeopardy, and that held true for WWI, also. Canada has far more serious national ties with ENGLAND than with us, and ENGLAND was involved in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War. They weren't backing the US up, they were backing ENGLAND up.
As for successful missile tests, well, hey! See:
There have been successful ABM tests going on for quite a while.
As for our destroying their ecology by putting radar stations, et cetera on their territory, yup, you're 100% right, that tundra/permafrost climate sure is a thriving ecosystem, and the vast majority of Canadians live way North, not anywhere near the US borders.