Hmmm let's see.....
War of 1812, Canada remained neutral (even though they were still under British rule) and did what they could to keep the British from having any military there. (This fact alone, helped us, immensely to win the the war.)
Spanish -American War Canada sent troops to help the US, even though the "bombing" of the Maine had nothing to do with Canada.
WW1 Canada sent troops with the US EVEN though Canada was not involved in anyway.
WW2 Canada sent troops into the Pacific even though they were not attacked in anyway.
1979 Iran...... Our embassy is taken hostage, Canada's ambassador and Embassy risk life to help as many US citizens as possible free and safe passage out, including my uncle and aunt.
During the Cold War, Canada allowed us to freely put Nukes in their country, thus making them a target to the Soviets.
The Canadian Navy is 3rd in muscle next to the US and Britain.
Canada is not hated throughout the world, their economy is growing stronger, and they are far, far more respected throughout the international community.
Seems to me when ever we have needed Canada they have been there to watch our backs, and while we have tried to influence, bully, threaten and so on Canada to do what we wish them to, they have NOT ONCE as a country done anything to interfere with our country.
For all they have done to help us, I say thank you my friends to the North, (Merci Beaucoup) and I appologize for the extremists in our country, who do not appreciate the fact that we could not have a better neighbor country.
As far as "Star Wars", it came out in the early 90's that it had been a hell of an expensive bluff. That the Reagan Administration believed (and they were proven right) that the USSR would economically destroy itself trying to keep up with "Star Wars" and that the program had never passed any tests.
If we develop a true working system, I believe Canada, again, would be right there with us. However, why should they spend money, allow us to destroy their prairies and wildlands for our pipedream, and become a target to our enemies, once more, when we show them very little respect.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 02-26-2005 at 03:53 AM..