Why??? Why are so many Christians obsessed with morality??? If you think about it, it should really be down the list of concerns. If we weren't so concerned with drinking, drugs, and sex, we would be able to concentrate more on the "greatest" commandments (love God and your neighbor). Love has nothing to do with morals. We just get so caught up in what we and other people are doing wrong that we don't leave room for love.
I was just thinking about this last night (and by the way, this will make a lot more sense if you assume or pretend that Jesus is the savior, and--while I hate to put it this way--God is real). The Bible was written by people who actually saw and heard God or Jesus. It would have been a lot easier to adhere to a certain moral code if they actually saw and heard God, and in turn it would be easier to preach strict morals. We don't have that same experience, so it is a lot harder to live by that code.
To explain this concept; imagine that you are driving down the road. You would be much less likely to speed if you see a cop or two on the way than if there weren't any.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."