How to Share Files in WinXP
How to share files in WinXP
Windows XP comes with some default settings which deny people the right to access your computer by a network. I'm guessing it was because of people with broadband connections were sharing with their neighborhood. WinXP will allow you to share files default, but they must login. This is a pain in the ass with 9x machines since they have to login with the user/pass you define here. If you have two or more XP machines on the network you have to have the same password for both. The following steps will allow you to setup XP so any Windows machine can access it without a password.
*** These steps were preformed and tested with WinXP Professional
1. Enable the guest account
Right-click on My computer and choose manage
Expand "Local Users and Groups"
Click on "Users"
Double-Click on Guest
Uncheck the box that says "Account is disabled"
Click OK
Right click on Guest and click Set Password
Click Proceed
Click OK without typing in a password
Close Computer Management
2. Allow Guest to access the computer from a network
Open Control Panel
Open Admistrative Tools
Open Local Security Policy
Expand Local Policies
Open User Rights Assignment
Double-Click on "Deny access to computer from network"
Click on Guest, and click remove
Click OK
Keep Local Security Settings up for the next step
3. Allowing Anonymous Users connect
(Assuming you left off at step 2)
Open Security Options
Double-Click on "Network access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users"
Choose Enabled
Click OK
You should be ready to go. I dont know if all these steps are nessicary, but they have worked for me with great success. One thing worth mentioning is if you try and access a machine with an existing username (Administrator) then it will prompt for a password. In NT/2k/XP just put in another username to connect with. The computer will recieve it, and give you anonymous (Everyone) permissions since it cannot be verified. If you are in 9x/ME and try to access a computer with an existing username and the password you are using on your box is different from the box you are connecting to it will fail. It will not give you the opportunity to connect with another username. You will need to log off, and choose/create a new username that does not exist on the XP box.
Another thing, when you share files in NT/2k/XP local security permissions take precedence over network security permissions. I didn't know that for the longest time, and it is worth mentioning. If you share out a folder for "Everyone" with read only access, then make sure locally they have the same access. If you move files from your desktop, most likely they will be private for you. You can share them in a shared folder, but when you try and access them from a remote computer it won't let you.
Hope this helps!