Originally Posted by boatin
I'm curious what your point is here. Are you saying that your statement is as ridiculous as Roach's? Or are you saying that both are true?
I'm skeptical that you mean the first, because you could have said:
The same as the linkage between intellectual laziness and being on the left.
Or you could have compared it to something else. You chose things that I think many would agree with. Hell, I agree with those choices some of the time.
That leaves the second choice. Given "ideological impracticality" and "intellectual laziness", my choice is clear, and I know who I want on my team. How many things in this world were once deemed "impractical"? Just about everything?
As far as intellectual arrogance, there seems to be plenty to go around. That is an old charge from the 'right', but that seems to float everyone's boat these days.
There is a third option, of course. That being you disagree with Roach's assessment, but think yours is valid. But I'd like to think no one is THAT arrogant.
But maybe that's just impractical of me.
I think both statements are fairly ridiculous when trying to have a true discussion. I chose two things that (as you pointed out) are usually associated with the left point of view. I could just as easily show where many liberals are intellectually lazy, or right wingers impractical. I think making such assumptions does not lead to any fruitful discourse. It is easy to dismiss a differing viewpoint just because it differs from your own, and then validate your dismissal by believing a stereotype about any who hold opposite opinions.
And FYI, I AM that arrogant