Thread: weight issues
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Old 02-25-2005, 05:22 PM   #34 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
Originally Posted by Temporary_User
I expected a few bad remarks, there is no way to touch a subject like this and not be labeled an asshole.
I want to clear a few things up though, Ive went on walks w/ her before and am actually meeting her @ work to walk home w/ her today. Her gym is a a female only and she just stops there after work.
the comment that I made was not rude @ all (IMO)
We were at a restaurant and having a few drinks, we were consistent on the drinking, because I was more having conversations and eating inbetween talking than drinking. She would finish her drink and I would have like 1/4 left each time. SO all I said to her was along the lines of geez, whats going on here, I feel bad Im supposed to be the one who out drinks and eats you.
I feel that was more a comment on me, and making me feel less 'manly' because Im not out drinking her @ the time.
Eating everything off of the plate isnt the problem I have w/ her, It's that I believe that diet is just as important as exercise.
I want to help.
I don't know if I am helping her or not, because I normally will comment on how much I like her butt.

I know Im not perfect, I have to have flaws that she wishes I could/will change as well.
You seem to have a good attitude here, we all know that it's hard to convey what you mean in a written medium, which is why most posts (not just yours) can often be viewed from a different perspective you initially meant . . .

Your S.O. will make her own decisons about losing weight and getting fit, just enjoy being with her and be yourself and don't worry so much about the little bit of extra padding . . . is she is planning on losing it . . she will irregaurdless of your input or non-input.
Just be supportive and kind . . . as it seems you have been.


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