Hey, phenomenal work on the weight loss and muscle gains.
I too would take issue with your explosive "yank" idea. I don't think that all of your training should be at the max possible speed. And the temptation to use the momentum instead of effort (cheating) to move the weight it too great. As frogza said, you are missing out on some of your training potential. I recommend a 1 second up phase (concentric) and a 2-4 second down phase (eccentric). This one recommendation can make substantial gains in your weight training. I HATE to see people at the gym throwing the weight up and down. They are losing so much of the work they could get out of lifting.
Obviously, you have had great gains using the system that you have. I would just add the bit about eccentric phase being longer than concentric.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein