I've noticed in recent posts (mainly the "Police Kill 13 Year Old Boy", and "Suicide" threads) that people have a nagging sympathy for the dead. To quote a fellow member on the death of the young boy:
i feel sympathy for the child not the cops
To which I smack myself in the face and with a dumbfounded look ask,
Why are the dead worthy of our sympathy or our pity? Shouldn't sympathy rest with those that are still living? One of my close friends was killed in a car accident last October at age 17, and at his funeral I kept hearing people who barely knew him in high school practically chanting, "I feel so bad for him. I feel sorry for him..." Why? What about his family, his step-mom who I was close with especially, or his friends? The dead have no voice with which to mourn; they have no feeling of loss of their loved ones or of anger at god. While I do regret that he has been left behind and unable to grow up and truly experience life, I do not pity him in death.
Those that are dead are just that; let those of the living who need it have your sympathy.