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Old 02-25-2005, 11:10 AM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Sacramento
Perhaps it is just me, but it would seem that we are collectively missing the heart of the problem, although chickentribs and roachboy are definitely seeing it, if not expressing it.

Inner city children will never obey middle class rules so long as they are in the inner-city. this is for one very simple reason: THEY ARE NOT MIDDLE CLASS.
This is not inherently a problem, however. If we are to look at proximate causes of their "misbehavior," we come up with nothing but the faults of their parents and blame the lifestyle. In order to truly UNDERSTAND this issue, we have to look at the structural injustices that have brought about the situation they live in.

For this next part, I am sure to be labeled a pinko-commie bastard or some such

Given that you are teaching in an inner-city school, it seems a safe assumption that there is a prevalence of minority students, particularly African American. What has trapped minorities in the inner city is primarily the moving on of the vast majority of the jobs. Those who could get out, did. What is left is what William Julius Wilson refers to as the "truly disadvantaged." when the jobs left, so did much of the positive influence on the children. Taking the viewpoint of Dahrendorf and his intersecting lines of conflict, these children have consistently gotten the shit end of the stick, and as a result need to have some form of control over their lives. we all want to be respected, and the middle class ideal of "he who dies with the most toys..." simply does not apply.

Sad to say, but ultimately nothing we do on a micro level will fix the situation for all of these children. Until we fix larger issues in our society, there will always be an underclass, and almost assuredly of minorities. There are two things we can do, however, to help individuals.
1. Stop trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. That is to say, let's not try to apply Mcwasp ideals in situations where they do not fit. some would say this is a lowering of expectations, but this is not the case; it is rather an alteration of viewpoint to include realistic expectations.
2. Roachboy's method of instruction can give better results in terms of will to succeed. by creating a non-confrontational line of conflict, the students may see each other as quite a bit more similar than previously thought. with respect gained based on helping the class and getting points, there may be less physical violence.

One thing is certain: no one ever said this is going to be easy, but i commend you for sticking with it and doing something that so many other teachers do not- caring.

sorry for the longwinded ramble, but there you go.... my two cents.
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