I'm curious roach -- who no capitalization? I know of a few reasons why people don't capitalize, just wondering why you do it.
For the actual question: I have read a rather cute essay that claims that the Americaism philosophy believes that their brand of society is the only true brand, and every other form is evil to greater or lesser extents. In effect, Americanism is the ideological descendant of Manifest Destiny and Puritanism.
Originally Posted by Yakk
Capitalism is the theory that putting the means of production into the hands of those who produce is a good idea.
but it seems more than a little--o whats the word--counter-intuitive given that the entire system is predicated on a seperation of ownership of the means of production from those who engage in the activites related to production. but maybe, somewhere, some capitalist ideologue did make such a statement--in the degenerate political climate particular to bushworld, such a person would immediate be labelled a comm-u-nist.
The "in the hands of those who produce" was ... rather ambiguous. "In the hands of those who cause production" might be better. In theory, capitalism allocates capital to people who are good at generating capital and (relatively) stingy at consuming. Those who are productive (either with their capital, or with their labour) gain wealth, which can be either consumed or used to generate more wealth.
I spoke about marx and communism -- I was under the belief that he invented the philosophical basis for communism (as opposed to socialism). I was aiming for the theoretical ideals behind each concept.
Originally Posted by trickyy
as it has been said, a democracy is compatible with our economic system. and it would seem that democratic allies are more likely to "agree to disagree" than actually use military force against one another.
I would actually claim that capitalism and democracy are not all that compatable.
Capitalism allocates decision making power by how well you produce and hoard capital.
Democracy allocates decision making power by 1 unit per vote, with a usually pretty good coorelation between people and votes (note: the US senate doesn't have this).
edit: added attribution to trickyy