i think now might be a good time to talk to your two little ones about their safety in public places. don't scare the hell out of them, but let them know that they shouldn't be going anywhere alone in public without someone older with them (make your own judgements about how old that should be). tell them that what happened wasn't safe because someone could have hurt them. if they are ever in that situation again and need to go to the bathroom, have them insist that their sister take them. if she declines, tell them to start screaming at her if they have to but under no circumstances should they go by themselves. when the usher shows up to find out what is wrong, their sister can explain why she wouldn't leave the movie to take them to the potty.
i started babysitting early, i was prolly about 9 or 10 when watching kids in my home and 11 or 12 when i started going to their homes. i was never certified in anything. to my knowledge, there is no law saying i needed to be.
but really, i'd take it up with the ex. let her know that you simply aren't comfy with her daughter watching the kids in public. it is too much responsibility for a child that age to watch two small kids in a crowded public area. how many times have we seen stories of kids abducted when it was one small child and the parent was standing right next to them? this just isn't a good idea any way you look at it.