GetRDone... I'm not sure which planet in WI you live in or what color the sky is there... I'm an officer here, you tell me to f--- myself, I spend a bit more of your tax dollars discussing your attitude. And if speeders are the same as they are here, there is no reason to hide. Getting picked out of a group of cars? Chances are you got tagged by laser. And the Officer has to be at the court appearance, its in the Constitution, ''the right to face your accuser''?? Its for your benefit.
I don't mean to sound like a prick here, some will call me that just because of what I am or what I do. I truly enjoy my job, and it is my duty to know the laws and enforce them fairly. I agree, there are bad cops, they give the rest of us decent ones a bad name. I've paid my tickets over the years, I've met prick cops, I even work with them. Chances are if you don't like them, neither do we....
Bottom line, drive safe!! Makes life easier for everyone!!
If you've ever felt there was a reason to be afraid of the dark, you were right.