Im not the type of guy who wants a salad-type, but I don't want a pig either.
How many pounds is a few pounds? And since when does eating everything on her plate equate to being a pig? Did she finish everything on your plate? Finish the plates of all the patrons around you? Order three desserts?
I did joke about her clearing the plate (not rudely at all) so I don't know if she will do it again or not.
That is how body image issues are formed, by people joking about it and not accepting her as she is. What does it matter to you if she cleans her plate or not? And is you joking about it supposed to make her stop cleaning her plate?
Is there anything I can do to help her lose some weight?
You can't if it's not something she wants to do herself. The only possible thing you could do is plan active rather than sedentary activities for your date.
? I don't want to be selfish, but I wouldnt want to get into a serious relationship and have her let herself go. Any suggestions?
Boy is that ever a bad choice of words...