I see a lot of the married couples (aside from a few) who say it goes way down with kids. Aside from the first few months, when my wife was breastfeeding (as was I when I had the opportunity

) and on a four hour sleep schedule, we're back where we were before the kids. We average 2-3 times per week, but we make it happen. The kids go to bed at 8 (they would stay up till 11 if we let them, they are 2 & 4). By 9 or 9:30 one of us puts on the music & lights the candles & maybe starts with a backrub. I guess I'm trying to say we make time for it. I could be doing a lot of other things but we make an effort to keep that part of our marriage going strong.
There was a question earlier about quickies, for us probably 3-5 quickies a month. Nothing better than getting a call at work to go home for lunch!