Originally Posted by assilem
I do not think we force democracy or freedom. I think that without a little muscle from the U.S. some peoples would remain oppressed. The people of Iraq for instance had no army to fight Saddam. So what were they supposed to do? Throw some rocks and sharpen some sticks. If liberating people is forcing democracy then I guess we are also being forced into democracy. When you were born on U.S. soil you were not given a choice between governments of your liking. Therefore we have all been “forced” to accept something that was not of our choosing. The Iraqis are different. They COULD have told us to leave the minute we beat the crap out of Saddam. But they did not. So could the Germans and Japanese after WWII. The South Koreans could have done the same and so on and so forth. I just see a bit of a flaw in your logic is all.
Russians cant be/arent happy with their Socialist Govornment? Cubans arent happy with thier govornment? Thats silly. Honestly, I'm all about working with Russia... i just dont think their style of Govornment should have anything to do with the fact that they want to help us come to peaceful terms with Iran and NK over nuclear arms.