Originally Posted by kollege_gal2000
Ok, here's the latest.
He's thinks I'm cute. He tells me that I'm cute, but he has a fetish for smaller tiny women. Fetishes are fine, I have some myself. Sometimes I feel that when he looks at smaller women he wishes that I was the same. I don't feel like I measure up to what he really wants.
I've had the misfortune of having two long term relationships with
guys who have the same preferences as your guy.I can tell you that if it's already bothering you that it's not going to get better over time.If he compounds the issue by openly drooling over,commenting on women of his
"prefered" body type,you're in for a world of hurt.
I don't care what anybody says,obviously loving sex does involve being attracted to your partner's personality etc but I can't think of anybody who'd be happy over the long term knowing that their looks/body type aren't a turn on for their partner.You can't make yourself shorter, you can't morph yourself from a green eyed chic with pale skin to a smouldering latina with bronze skin and brown eyes.
I've come to the conclusion that a guy who basically comes out and tells you that you aren't his prefred physical type has a lot of issues and an asgenda (though it might be a subconcious one) and that is to slowly grind down your confidence/self esteem.At this point in my life I'd say it's a lot easier to just say goodbye to such a guy,freeing him up to pursue his "prefered type" and leaving you free to find a guy who's a sucker for gals of your type !
Every woman deserves to feel like she's special and wonderful and not constantly having to be sorry/feel inadequate because she's not somebody else.