Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
That's great because you are a country of 30 million people, and you don't now, nor have you ever really pulled any weight in geo-political affairs. I don't know why we would ask for logistics from Canada, your military is a joke, plus as far as money goes what you spend on your entire budget is a spit in the ocean to us. To each their own.
Wow. Just... wow.
and you wonder why?
holy smokes.
At any rate, the title of this thread is a bit misleading. Canadians are not backing out of the North american missile defence system. The house of commons has YET to vote on it. So there is nothing to back out of YET.
as for why are Canadians against it? isn't it obvious? think back to the Reagan paranoia that was the Star Wars initiative. This is more of the same, throwing good money after bad. the only efective result from this would be the spin off industires in aerospace technologies and job contracts (probably going to the favoured few yet again) which results in jobs for those that can qualify.
Originally Posted by daswig
Undoubtedly the canadian participation would be in the form of allowing us to base troops and equipment for the ground-based portion of the program there.
- i see no real problem with assisting in treaty obligations in the same manner as during the cold war (re - the DEW line, NORAD, NATO ect) but there is no treaty yet. This missle defence is just s pipe dream so far. Yournext pres may put it on the back burner...
Originally Posted by daswig
We're preparing for war with China. In 20 years, they'll be a HUGE threat to the US. Thanks for selling them missile technology, Bill...
- a facile arguement. China is the the big threat to the world. I agree. But the threat is more in line of the economic tiger that Japan was. I think that focusing on and fostering mutual respect will go a long way. 20 yrs from now is a long time to fester a grudge.
Originally Posted by daswig
The Germans, Japanese, and several other countries IIRC were all working on an atomic bomb while the US bomb program was a highly guarded secret. As for us being safer, NATO and the Warsaw PAct didn't go after each other in the 1960s because there were too many nukes involved. We're statistically overdue for a major conventional war, because nukes kept an uneasy peace. So yeah, we're safer with nukes than without them. Why do you think so many countries are trying to GET nukes? Because it makes them less safe???
- yes they were afraid. It's a classic mexican standoff argument. Just like the boys in the 'hood, all needing to pack. but in absolute terms, you're incorrect, wer are not safer with nukes than without them. Unfortunately the genie is out of the bottle, so we need to be able to control them.
Originally Posted by daswig
Canadians spend squat on their military. American's JROTC program has something like FIVE TIMES the number of people in it that the entire Canadian military has.
- simplistic again: to use your statistics, your JRTOC (whatever that is) is drawn from a population roughly 10 times ours. plus you're comparing apples and oranges.
- I just want to know why you guys get so hot under the collar when somebody doesn't agree with you... It gets very annoying.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
I don't think something so true has ever before been said in such a vulgar fashion. Trey Parker should get some sort of Pulitzer for that
Well there was the 'rap' that Jay and Silent Bob did about the band 'Time'.... that was righteous...
Originally Posted by daswig
Just out of curiosity, what business is that of a Canadian?
huh? you are asking what? yoiu're being confrontational.