Who's kissing ass? Overall we are still "friendly" nations, still "allies", plus it is in both parties interest to remain that way. This is the first time in a minute that Bush has been over there. We are past the point of the original Iraqi political infighting, plus as it goes there is much more to American/Euro relations then Iraq. Also I must say, I have been watching the daily show more often, tonight was a good one, Jon brought up them same point about our presence being there as more or less "kissing ass", the "reporter" (still not good with names, guy from MAACO commercials...) told him it was Bush doing quite the opposite, he went to war, got re-elected, and Chiraq can suck his balls.
Plus my Germans/French/Russians/UN be damned was in regards to Bush's responsibilites and feality, they belong to America and it's sovereign, no one else.
But to answer the original posts' question, I don't think Bush is any longer to controversial and isolated, we are past any debate on Iraq, we are committed and nothing is going to change that. The Europeans can bitch at him for whatever reason they want, it won't change anything either way, if they want to get stuck on Iraq two years ago that's their beef, I think it's legit if they are pissed of about enviromental shit or whatever else, but fucking get over Iraq people...
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.