You all have some interesting points about knee jerk reactions...internal editing etc.. so many of those ideas and problems have hit a chord in me over the years and I have found myself thinking deeply about this topic over the years....In my quiet place I can admit to myself that I don't always feel totally secure in myself..and to make myself feel better I pick out the flaws in others (which I know is really a flaw in me) The more obvious the difference between me and the target of my scorn, for lack of a better word right now, the lazier I am about self editing. Although race is a highly sensitive subject it is not the only area where I catch myself doing this. I'm tall, I am a good driver, My nose is not overly large, I have all of my teeth ,so on and so forth. I guess, most of that behavior happens when I'm not really thinking, rather just being thoughtless. To demean someone else on the basis of their differences wants to relieve us from the responsibility of understanding them and relating to them and really seeing how like us they really are. Just my 2 cents
"Iron rusts with disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold water freezes. Even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind"
Leonardo Da Vinci