Cell phone ear pieces have made it virtually impossible for me to tell the difference from your run-o'-the-mill crazy person and someone on a cell phone.
In most cases, people talking on cell phones don't bother me, but every now and then I see something that irks me, though it doesn't affect me. We went out for pizza the other day and this woman was sitting by herself talking on a cell phone. She was eating her garlic bread, talking on the phone, and giving the "wait a minute" finger to the waitress who was waiting to take her order. I was thinking that it was rude and unsightly to watch this woman talking and eating at the same time while ignoring the obviously very busy server, but then it occurred to me that this woman would be rude and inconsiderate regardless of whether she had a cell phone or not. The cell phone just made it more obvious to everyone around her.
"I can normally tell how intelligent a man is by how stupid he thinks I am" - Cormac McCarthy, All The Pretty Horses