I used to have that problem, still do a little bit but it is much better. What i had to realize was that almost everything that happens in your life is neutral.
Science. Two halves of the brain. One(left) generally deals with positive emotions, the other(right) negative. If your brain is trained to think more with the right things will tend to be more negative. You can train your brain to think more positive. Positive thoughts are also "real thoughts" and so are negative ones. Its which way to do you want to live?
thinking(voices) makes experiences good or bad. Example. I work with this girl who is incredibly slow at everything she does. I used to hate it, hate working with her. I would detest working with her. The days i had to work with her I would feel crappy and my head would be filled with things like, "man she is so incompetent", "how can it take anybody this long to do that", "We could have been done this an hour ago" and the day sucked. So I tried to reframe my thoughts and look at the positives. When i looked at the positives I realized that she was very friendly person and a good person to talk to. So I aproach working with her with optimism now and enjoy working with her. Thoughts like "she's fun to chat with", "cool, I get to spend work chatting with blank today" ect. I always look forward to working with her now. This can be applied to pretty much everything in your life. Whenever i start to get really negative now I stop myself and try and find the positive. The world is alot more fun when you can see the good in it.
"Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun" -Matt Groening