Originally Posted by jorgelito
Wait, retsuki03, for someone who purports to not take either side it seems clear that you do NOT believe in global warming.
I said I am not convinced that global warming is a threat. That does not mean that I believe in Global Warming or not. It means that even if there is Global Warming, I don't think it is a threat.
There is no proof that Kyoto is bad for the economy. I have repeatedly asked for proof or reference in the Kyoto thread but have been ignored so that people can continue arguing amongst themesleves instead of "nipping it in the bud".
I can't offer proof either. But I can offer some idea as to why many think Kyoto is bad for the economy.
Regardless of whether global warming is happening, just look at the weather patterns and outside your window. Doesn't matter the science, obviously hedging our bets or trying to improve our environment isn't a bad thing. Who could be against clean air and clean water? Poolution does not discriminate. Forest fires in Indonesia have fallout all the way the American MidWest (last year or the year before). There was a measureable difference in air quality.
I am from Houston where the pollution rivals and often excedes LA. I now live in Austin and I have heard that the pollution from Houston is so bad it effects our air quaility here. At the same time, having lived in houston for 19 years and Austin for 2, I have not noticed any difference in the air apart for less humidity. I am all for clean air/land, the question is at what cost.
I live in LA, and I definitely see, feel the effects. A report showed school children (of all race, socio-economic background cause remember, pollution doesn't discriminate) have an abnormal rate of asthma. Which in turn leads to longer absences in school, which leads to reduced funding for schools.
Pollution causes asthma?
Pollution also contributes to beach closures every summer. Kind of sucks when we're known as a beach town and the beaches are clesed due to pollution. Same goes with fishing. Not safe to eat any of the fish caught in the LA area.
Once again, I am from Houston where the water is very polluted. The fish taste fine. I think it would be great if the water was nice and pretty, but it isn't.
Fear mongering is silly, denial is silly. Just exercise common sense.
I agree with your there.