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Old 02-23-2005, 05:51 PM   #5 (permalink)
Darth Mojo
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Location: Right behind you...
Originally Posted by cierah
Dear universe,
I stand at a threshold in my life. Should I turn right or should I turn left? Should I continue on the straight and narrow path or should I take the twisted path? How am I to know? How? Each has benefits and each holds terror. How am to know which holds the greater truth for this, my life? How am I to choose a path to follow?
Finally, standing at this threshold I shrug and turn left or right. I follow the straight path or the twisted one. I understand it makes no difference for the universe will protect and each path has just as many life lessons to offer as the next. Each path holds as many terrors. All we, as humans, have to do is chose. Chose and be content in the choosing.

With all the love that I possess,
A stranger
Dear stranger,

Even as you stand at the threshold of life, you do not see the full path that your life may take. I see your path, and I see the paths of those who share your experience of life. Your path crosses theirs, and intertwines with many others as you face your life. Some paths may end, and some may be born, but they are all woven into a giant tapestry called the "Human Experience".

I am afraid that I cannot help you choose your path, any more than I can govern your life. You wouldn't really want me to, anyway. For, as soon as I point you down one path, you'll find that you really wanted to go down the other, and you will hate me for my loving guidance.

You are correct that each path holds dangers and rewards, but I must leave you to blaze your own trail.

With love and blessings,
The Universe

p.s. You are no stranger to me. You are known and loved.
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