Several times, I take it as a compliment, and let them know, politely, that they're....well...barking up the wrong tree. Two incidents stand out. First time, I was 16 and flying from Denmark to NY. Long flight, so I got up to strecth my legs. Got to talking with the cabin crew down in the tail-end galley ( I think it was a TWA 767 or 777, but It was almost 10 years ago, so I forget). End up chattin' with this guy for about an hour. Ends up with him letting me know I should get in touch with him if I came to the city, I could crash at his place, etc. (I was spending the summer on Long Island, so wouldn't be in the city much.) I was completely oblivious to the fact that this guy was very much hitting on me, until I told the story to someone and they said:"you realize he was hitting on you, right?"
Second time was a couple years ago, at a party thrown by a lesbian friend of mine. Of course, the gay community was heavily represented. So the evening advances and I have a long conversation opera divas, audrey hepburn, the qualities of rural cooking, etc(those were the subjects, I kid you not), along with an ever-increasing amount of drinks, with a very cool gay guy. At around 3 am we're hanging out in the kitchen of this tiny flat, talking, when I get pinned in the corner by a very drunk gentleman to who the term "hunter gay" (no insulting intent with that term at all, purely humor, and hopefully you'll appreciate this by the end of the story) applies. This guy is about 40, slight paunch, not very tall, high paying job in some creative industry, and an appreciation of guys much younger than him. So this guy, very drunk, and in no way intimidating, is practically purring at me. All of a sudden, the guy I've been talking to all night steps in to "defend me", explaining that I'm straight, etc... I about busted a gut laughing when the guy hitting on me realized I was straight. highly amusing!
roadrazer - 300kgs, 300hp = pure fun.