Can you overdose on OTC sleeping pills?
I've been having major sleeping issues for the past few months. I have a sleep study scheduled for March, but until then... I'm on my own.
A few weeks ago, I went out and bought some sleeping pills that are really just 25mg of Diphenhydramine, which induces sleep.
I started off by taking 2, but it wasn't doing anything at all... so I upped it to 4. 4 wasn't doing anything, so I upped it to 6.
So for the past week I've been actually able to sleep by taking 6 of these.
Well, last night, I couldn't sleep, so I took 8.
30-45 minutes later, I get this very STRANGE sensation in my head/chest - like a weird type of chill. My heart starts pounding a million miles an hour and it was very hard for me to breathe, my eyes were shaky and I was seein stars.
I tell my friend's mom to take me to the hospital because I think something is wrong.. but when she gets to my house to pick me up, it all suddenly stops. At that point I begin to think it wasn't the sleeping pills because if it was... I'm sure I'd still be havin probs. So I really have no idea what to think.
I've had panic attacks before, and this was NOTHING like a panic attack... unless it was just an "ultra" attack of sorts.
I read up on Diphenhydramine and a few places say you should never take more than 300mg in a 24 hour period. 8 pills is 200mg (25mg each).
I love lamp.