Originally Posted by retsuki03
From what I have read, there is absolutely no conclusive proof that CO2 causes global warming. Also, even if it did, it effects the temperature at such and alarmingly small rate (.6 C since the industrial revolution!?) that worrying about it in our lifetime seems foolish. Also, as I understand it, global warming would provide a net benefit to agriculture anyway.
So seriously, what is the big deal?
Environmentalist please opine.
Nope, not worried. I live in New England & would be happy with a winter that is 15-30 degrees warmer. A sea rise would be nice too as it would be closer to my front door then.
We'd also have a longer growing season, I could ditch the whole "layering" concept to dressing, my heating bill would drop 90%, my car would not need to be warmed up in the morning thus I'd get better mileage. And on & on.