Originally Posted by guccilvr
I'm still amazed at how these issues come up. Really, we're all human ..so that kinda nullifies the color of a person's skin.
Tres, just out of curiousity, what bothers you about a black man/white woman relationship?
Let me re-iterate.. its not a prejidicial issue.. I have many close friends that are races other than mine..I'm not quite sure exactly what it is. I don't think lesser of them, or think they should be bashed in anyway.. but..hmm..hard to explain, kinda why I wanted other peoples input.. IMO people are still allowed to date whom even they want.. I don't think white people can do any less than or more than a black person.. I don't think less of the couple, if they are happy then great.. It's not my business, I was hoping to get inside as to why I feel this way. My dad is black and my mom is white.. so. believe me, I don't wanna get bashed for being Prejidice because I'm not..