Well, a 2Ghz processor is going to be faster than a 1Ghz for sure. A lot of mobile processors are coming with speedstepping technology (Intel calls it SpeedStep, how original). That is, they slow down when they are running off of battery so as to increase your productivity time. They can also do this when they run too hot.
If your laptop has a video card that uses shared memory, it should say so. The ATI card you stated above is most likely a dedicated memory chip.
DDR SDRAM stands for Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory. People just call it DDR ram. Its faster than standard SDRAM and is the standard today. It comes in multiple speeds.
Models to avoid? I don't like compaq, hp, etc. I would suggest a Dell or IBM.
Screen resolution I don't think really matters anymore as far as being able to read stuff clearly. If you do however have issues, and would be running Windows XP, Microsoft has software (free as in beer) called ClearType that you can use to tweak your font displays.
Gaming? The faster the harddrive, the faster the load time. Plain and simple. They do make 7200rpm laptop drives. They are a little bit more $$, but they're worth it. I have a 7200rpm Hitatchi in my Dell Latitude D800 that I'm using to type on right now.
Apple is expensive. But when you're the only one that makes the hardware, then you kinda have the market. If you're going to be doing a lot of gaming, I would suggest steering clear of the Apple. There are certainly ports of a lot of games to the Apple platform, but there just seems to be so many more for the x86 platform. Apple has a good OS I think, though I still use PC. I've been thinking about buying a PowerBook for some time now, just to play with.
If you're also thinking about doing a good bit of gaming on a laptop, you might also look at VooDoo PC and Alienware. Though, with those two brands, you will be paying a good bit for the name.
"You hear the one about the fella who died, went to the pearly gates? St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing argument. Says, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Oh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane."