I get that alot, too. For a fun exercise, though, just repeat a sentence aloud 50 times. Doesn't really matter what the sentence is, who said it first -- pick something really profound you don't mind sacrificing. After enough repetitions, anything is going to sound ridiculous. Generally, though, the only person who's paying that much attention to the specifics of what you're saying... is you.
Try to recall what a friend said to you earlier today. You probably have remembered a compressed or summarized version. Other people will be doing that to you, too. So you'll probably never sound as bad as you think you do.
As for filtering your thoughts... well, yes, yes you do have to restrict your "real" thoughts a bit to deal with people, to a degree. But when you have these thoughts focused on yourself, it's a bit different. I mean, you need to have awareness of when you really do say something hurtful or inappropriate. Does it seem like your inner voice will attack you regardless of what you do -- whether good or bad? Is this constructive self-criticism or destructive self-attack?