I want to see something from a peer review journal or something with dissenting opinions. There is lots of information on the internet. I can find something that says that says global warming is a myth.
I would like to hear the scientists argue with each other. It is dangerous to read some report in the news and assume it is trustworthy.
I read some of your suggested reading:
To me it seems that Tim Barnett, wants us to believe global warming because the planet is obviously warming. Trust him, he is Tim Barnett, brilliant scientist of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. It says he took a few temps from around the world and put them in his computer model. This does NOT prove global warming. This proves that the computer model he made came up with the result he was probably hoping for.
I am not here to say global warming is real or a myth. I am just saying, I am not convinced that it is a threat to our life or even our children's lives.