Originally Posted by Seaver
Man I didnt mean to piss off you Canadians so badly when I said you were never really a world military power.
And yeah, I know we were the last to invade Canada... but honestly that was almost 200 years ago by now... and it wasn't Canada back then... it was England :P.
Hmmm. maybe you should consider before you post then. We have a very proud military and national history. The fact that our history involved evolution rather than revolution shouldn't be a point to be ashamed about. There is a very strong continuity between the Canada of 1812, and the Canada of 2005. when I was a child I was a young girl, now I am an adult, and I have a different name (through marriage - a legal change) but nobody is going to argue that I wasn't me back in my youth.
I am sure that you would get your back up if anybody slagged your proud history in a similar, unthinking, manner (unfortunately the tone of this thread is quickly headed in that direction...)