FngKestrel: I find it to be the other way around. Most of the newer cards are severely over powered. They make the older cards seem to be a waste of mana. It is just a new way of playing which makes playing older cards only against newer cards you are put at a disadvantage.
P-Naughty: How the heck did you get 20/20 flying saproling tokens? Was it a one turn only or were they permanently that big? I have a Thallid deck and I just get them to be 2/2s with Kaysa; granted, they are pretty powerful when you have 100 2/2s and camouflage is always fun.
Onions: When I played a while back (pre-tempest) that was a common deck strategy and it was just called a Mill-stone deck or a Mill-deck. Both named after Mill-stone which was a typical card to throw in there.