Originally Posted by fibber
The main concern I have with state-run health-care here in the states is the sheer size of our populace. The cost would be ginormous. I could only assume that we would be dependant on the current medical-pharmacutical infrastructure to provide the products and labor involved; which I'm not sure could be done without enforcing huge price-regulation on everything from the factories producing the medical machines, CAT-scans and such, to the doctors wages. That is a huge number of people who would almost certainly be apposed to any such move.
I agree that almost everything the government does can probably be done cheaper and better by the private sector. However the medical and insurance industries seem to have this game rigged. The only thing that seems to be controlling costs is their decision as to how much more they want to extract from us this year.
I believe that we are partly responsible for not considering costs when choosing health care but it may be too late at this point. I have yet to talk to anyone who chose their doctor/dentist after evaluating their costs like I am trying to do now. The system is probably beyond our ability to control it in the private sector.