Originally Posted by Seaver
Man I didnt mean to piss off you Canadians so badly when I said you were never really a world military power.
And yeah, I know we were the last to invade Canada... but honestly that was almost 200 years ago by now... and it wasn't Canada back then... it was England :P.
Not quite, it was Canada, but it was a British colony. And you were a bunch of chickens taking on Britain when she was busy fighting with Napoleon.
As Charlatan stated the only country that we have to worry about invading Canada is the USA.
So many americans like to pat themselves on the back and say, "if it weren't for us, you guys would be invaded"
To which I respond, "the only country that is a threat to Canada is the USA, so will you protect me from you?"
The USA could invade Canada and take over the government with relative ease. Of that I am certain. Even if we spent the same percentage of our GDP on our military as the US does, we could not repell a US invasion because we are a country of 31 million people. (The US currently spends 3 x's in terms of percentages of GDP on their military compared to what Canada spends.)
But, you would never be able to keep us. All we would have to do is resist and eventually you would suffer defeat.
Canada is like Russia in WW2, vast, cold, and stubborn. Eventually, we would win and restore the boarder, of that I am sure. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq have all proven that America can not win a war even against a 3'rd world country. Unless you drop nukes, you can't win it would seem. I really doubt that the USA would nuke Toronto with NY state some 40 miles due south.