Ummm, that point is valid as long as someone continues to try to force me to believe this admin is any better or worse than any other. If halx can say that this admin does wrong by labeling things as "evil" then I can certainly call instances that show that this isn't exclusive to this admin.
Of course this is repub VS democrat.
I would hope that those that don't identify with either group, like myself. Would be free to point out the complaints aren't new.
If you chastise a pres. for basing his morals on religion, you should be allowed to extend the same criticism to whatever makes up any leader's "moral compass" be they economic, diplomatic, charitable or otherwise.
I personally see no difference in religion or politics.
Both attempt to dictate my actions.
Both have certain parties who are absolutly certain they are right, and those who don't share their beliefs are either wrong, or not informed/intelligent enough to understand.
Both are primarily concerned with furthering their own interests.
Both have harmed countless people in the persuit of these interests.
and in an upstroke,
Both have done some real good mixed in with all the nasty.
Don't attempt to dismiss my argument by associating it with a blowhard with a bad rap here. I could just as easily say that this guy I know who raped babies said Dubbya is an "evangelical who believes that all of his actions are divinely sanctioned." and therefore I can't accept your point. Take it back to my baby-rapin' buddy circa last tuesday.
Last edited by fibber; 02-22-2005 at 09:18 PM..