Nope wolf.
There are a number of ways a Black Hole can be created, theoretically. A large star going supernova can create a wave of pressure high enough to compress the core into a black hole. Black holes may have been formed during the universes birth. Possibly stellar impacts could also form Black holes.
Dark Matter is just a shorthand for "matter we can't see". There is circumstantial evidence for it's existance (the universe 'seems to behave' as if it where much heavier than it "looks like" in the E-M spectrum, on scales from galactic on up), but we can't seem to account for most of it.
Many alternative explanations exist. A friend of mine who knows more physics than I do is of the position that a modified gravity (that acts differently -- decays slower -- at long distances) is more plausible than dark matter.
edit: replaced is with "looks like" in the E-M spectrum
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.