Splitting Electrical Current
So here's a theoretical question for all you electrical engineers out there...... I'm not an engineer myself so I may get my jargon wrong in asking the question, but I'm going to do my best.
I have an AC power source and two loads. One load requires a set amount of power and must always be fully supplied by the source; the other has variable requirements and only needs to take the excess power that the source produces. I want to be able to split the electrical current generated by the source so that the first load will always be supplied with the required amount of power, and that all the overflow will go to the second load. How could I do this?
I want to avoid having to give specific numbers in stating the problem, because I want to be able to change the parameters of the system (like how much power the source produces, or the requirements of the first load) and still come up with a solution. Obviously there are constraints - like trying to power a load with a source that can't supply the required energy - but in asking the question I'm assuming that there will always be an excess of power produced by the source so that there is always overflow to divert somewhere else.
Thanks a bunch.