I'll start this thread on Spielberg's remake of H.G. Wells Classic "The War of the Worlds" - originally filmed by George Pal in 1952(sometimes listed as 1953) - by posting a literal Yahoo "translation" of the only major publication pre-release review I could locate. I think there's something worthwhile here even given the tortured "English"...
If any German-speaker would like to give it a better translation, here's the link:
OF was the Worlds, The – (29.06.2005)
R: Steven play mountain
(ed: this is the literal translation of Spielberg's name ... heh heh)
D: Tom Cruise, Dakota fanning, Tim crawl in
There is a beautiful scene in George Pal and Byron Haskins more aufwaendiger "war of the worlds" - filming of 1953: after Dr. Forrester could save its Angebetete from an ugly Marsianer, later succeeds separating it a search eye from its spaceship and to also bring in the laboratory. There scientists close the eye to a usual projector on (, the technology is compatible) and permit to mankind by the eye of the enemy to literally look: one can observe oneself from Marsianer view. Since the Marsianer eye offers, green, blue), arises separate pupils for to three additives the basic colours (red a three-fold, colorshifted picture - a further reference to the substantially more differentiated, in addition, more sensitive perception of the extraterrestial ones, after Dr. Forrester could resist already successfully with a simple flashlight the natures. Characteristically the scientists are interested however not far in the condition of the aggressors and left instead the military to speak: Cannons, rockets, tanks, last the inevitable atom bomb are to take up it with the enemy - unsuccessfully, as turns out. Mankind is hopelessly delivered the Marsianern. Until they are dahingerafft abruptly "simply in such a way" and the Epilog explain that they are susceptible to a certain sort of bacteria and their immune system calculated these "insignificant" earth inhabitants prepared are not.
_ Filmdramaturgisch be a such end against each rule and one may strained be, whether steven mountain the courage have will, Herbert G. Wells collecting main of 1898 here faithful remain. With all Effekthascherei concerned it to Wells already at that time more than a episches adventure, practiced it nevertheless on the one hand criticism at the imperialistic policy of Great Britain and antizipierte on the other hand in certain way the escalation military conflicts like it with first and above all the Second World War still during its lifetimes reality became. In addition, Hoehnisch it makes merry with the rescue by the bacteria over the martial desire of mankind, places themselves the serious question whether mankind can be geeint actually only if it is attacked from the outside - in the case of extraterrestial natures -. Also Haskins version takes up this Subkontext, feeds it however rather dearless in the first two minutes off and does not come later any longer particularly engaged on it back. On play mountain more relying could be, announced it nevertheless on the one hand more loyalty to Wells ' original text and already proved on the other hand with films like "Jurassic park "in thisregard that the social component of a threat unimportant at least not completely to it from the outside.
But during its extraterrestial films "E.T."and"uncanny meeting of the third kind"pleasant to helpful natures of another star present, might thereby in" war of the worlds "conclusion be: the past Artwork works rather martialisch and the extraterrestrial hands with the three suction cups reminds of the Haskins filming, what might point on classically slimy-ugly monsters. The characters will be however completely different one, do not only prove a view of the occupation list, but also in a press release were announced: Tom Cruise will play the family father of the small Dakota fanning ("man underfires ") and Miranda petrol (Eowyn from "master of the rings") its wife. Tim crawl in also still plays with: as an astronomy professor with the strange name Ogilvy it will probably represent the scientific authority of the film and will next come thus to the role of Dr. Forrester from the 53er version.
Essentially two things give cause for the concern: on the one hand the family component of occupation strongly thereupon that not only mankind interprets, but equal the basic values are threatened here Americas from the extraterrestial ones, on the other hand the relatively abrupt project start might ensure in August 2004 and the planned publication date at the end of of June 2005 that here again times under extreme high pressure must be worked. Even now in January play mountain and its crew are still strongly busy with the trick, which does not give now all time of the world to the effect effektschmiede ILM to file at computer effects - from play mountain youngest slope to the overproduction to be silent completely.
To be waiting whether from "war of the worlds" in the long run more will than a "respectable" variant of"IndependenceDay " remains, a tasty Blockbuster might always become it in view of play mountain professionalism.
The original novel and the film from the '50s are American classics - in any genre. Wells asked - and answered - the big questions. I'm more than curious about the remake.