I used to play when it first got big in my area, but after about 3 months no one played it anymore. You see the fundies had a ball claiming it was promoting Satanism. I bought the starter set for Portal and that was it.
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Then I go to college, where we have a comic and game store not too far from campus, and saw all these people playing it in the dorms. I got back into it, sadly, last year. I actually bought a box of Betrayers of Kamigawa at the release a few weeks ago and went to the Champions of Kamigawa pre-release in Atlanta.
I run three decks, all mono. I have my green fatty-to-your-grill/gain life/mana accel deck; a black Hate-O-Rade control deck with Mortivores (power and toughness equal to the number of creatures in all graveyards, regen for 1 black) plus an Avatar of Woe, Underworld Dreams, and stuff that people don't like; and a blue Unspeakable deck that actually works.
As for Yu-Gi-Oh, I hate it. Not as much skill involved in my opinion. And I don't wanna play any game where I need a calculator to figure out how much damage I'm dealing. Then again, I have played a Saproling deck in the past. 500 20/20s flying someone's way is quite fun.
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EDIT: If anyone is looking to sell any of their collections or a few cards, holla